Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Today's Objective: Teacher will (attempt to!) sync blog entries with Facebook Fan page status updates.

Today's SAT Word: arcane (adj.) - mysterious or obscure.

The ever-changing world of social media is as unpredictable as it is arcane. With everything changing on a daily basis, there is so much to learn!

Today's Warm-Up Question: How often do you use Facebook? What do you use it for? Do you enjoy Facebook or does it cause unnecessary drama? What are some ways that you think we can incorporate Facebook into the classroom?

Today's Lesson Notes: No powerpoint today! Check out Our Class Facebook Page for more.

Tonight's Homework: Tell a friend or classmate about Our Class Facebook Page, and enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Today's Objective: Students will familiarize themselves with classroom applications of multimedia technology.

Today's SAT Word: Multimedia (n., adj.) - the use of several types of media at the same time.

Mr. Meehan loves multimedia. His class incorporates all kinds of printed text, in-class activities, videos, MP3 recordings, Powerpoint slideshows, and internet resources.

Today's Warm-Up Question: What are some of your interests?

Today's Lesson Notes: Available online at Our Class Facebook Page.

Tonight's Homework: Become a "fan" of the class Facebook page (and keep an eye out for extra credit opportunities hidden throughout the page)!