Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7 (E9)

Today's Objective: Students will study "logos" in preparation for the Q3 Methods of Persuasion Unit.

Today's SAT Word: Fallacy (n.): a false statement.

"George Bush told the country that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but that was a fallacy."

Today's Warm-Up Question: Is it ever acceptable to break up with someone using Facebook, telephone, and/or text message? Or should break-ups always be done in person?

For today's warm-up, provide three reasons why you believe what you believe on this issue!

Today's Lesson Notes: Click here.

Tonight's Homework:
Write a one-paragraph BCR (five sentences) in which you identify how a television commercial or a print advertisement of your choosing uses LOGOS to make its point.

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