Thursday, January 26, 2012

Family Poems

Today's Objective:

Students will read and analyze author's use of tone and mood across a series of family poems in order to review target HSA indicators and prepare for third quarter benchmark exam.

Works Studied in Today's Class:

"Knock Knock" by Daniel Beaty
"Hey Mama" by Kanye West
"The Dreaded Spoon" by Bruce Hornsby
"Piano" by D.H. Lawrence
"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden
"Daddy" by Sylvia Plath

Today's Lesson Notes:

Tonight's Homework:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Free Verse Persona Poetry

Today's Objective:

Students will read and analyze author's use of tone and mood across a series of free verse poems in order to review target HSA indicators and prepare for third quarter benchmark exam.

Today's In-Class Reading Assignment:

"Stan" by Eminem
"Send Somebody" by Colin Hay
"Free Fallin" by Tom Petty (performed by John Mayer)
"O What Is That Sound" by W.H. Auden
"The Cap and Bells" by William Butler Yeats

Today's Lesson Notes:

Tonight's Homework: