Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wednesday, September 29 (E10 1B and 3B)

Today's Objective: S.W. determine an author's purpose after a close reading of the text.

Today's SAT Word: Intentions (n)
Goals or reasons for doing something.
"Though Jamar had the best of intentions to study for his test when he got home, he ended up falling asleep before he could even open his notebook."

Today's Soundtrack: "Bang Bang" by K'Naan and Adam Levine

We have chosen this song because it tells the story of a male main character who is "shot... down with a loaded shotgun" after speaking his mind and telling a woman how he feels. This is exactly the same ending as we saw when studying Harrison Bergeron in our last class.

Today's Warm-Up Question: Is the world of Harrison Bergeron a BETTER world than our society of today, or is it WORSE? In a complete paragraph, defend your position! Be sure to use as many examples from the text as you can!

Today's Lesson Notes: Click here.

Tonight's Homework: Compose a paragraph (+) on TIME TRAVEL!!!

If you could travel to any place in time (past or future), where would you go and why? Tell me all about it!!! What would you do? What would you see? What would you change? Etc., etc., etc.

LET YOUR IMAGINATIONS RUN WILD!!! Remember, five sentences = one paragraph! And this will be collected and GRADED for next class.

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