Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 17 (E9)

Today's Objective: Students will review "pathos," "ethos," and "logos" in preparation for the Q3 Methods of Persuasion Unit.

Today's SAT Word: Manipulate (v.): to take advantage of

"Many people will try to manipulate your words against you -- so choose them carefully!"

Today's Warm-Up Question: Do you believe that ZOMBIES could exist?

Provide three reasons why you believe what you believe on this issue!

Today's Lesson Notes: Click here.

Tonight's Homework:
Write a one-paragraph BCR (five sentences) in which you identify other arguments in which people attempt to defend their case using one of the three fallacies we discussed in today's class. Those fallacies are:

EX SILENTIO (argument from ignorance)
AD VERECUNDIAM (argument to a famous person)
AD FIDES (argument to faith)

Why do you think people use these fallacies?

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