Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hamlet - Act V (4B)

Act V QFR Charts were due last class!

For our next class (Thursday, April 14), be prepared to write a three-paragraph essay in response to one of these questions listed below.

Question #1:
“Uncertainty” is a major theme in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. What information do we know for certain in this play? Defend your answer using evidence from the text (You will lose points for any items that are not certain).

Question #2: Is it “nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” or is it nobler “to take arms against a sea of troubles and thus, by opposing, end them?” Defend your answer using evidence from the text.

Question #3: Sanity is a binary state. You can’t be “a little sane or a little insane.” You are either sane (not crazy) or you are insane (crazy). Which one is Hamlet? Defend your answer using evidence from the text.

Question #4: Which ONE character (select only one) is most responsible for the tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark? Defend your answer using evidence from the text.

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