Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, August 30 (E10)

Today's Objective: Students will demonstrate mastery of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Today's SAT Word: Taxonomy (n) - A system for organizing things into groups.

Today's Soundtrack: "I Gotta' Feelin'" by The Black Eyed Peas

We have chosen this song today because we divided like items into taxonomies, or groups. The Black Eyed Peas is a musical group consisting of four different recording artists -- but they are collectively known as a group (or taxonomy).

Today's Warm-Up Question: What different groups of students exist here at Crossland High School?

Describe the different groups (also known as “cliques” or “social circles”) that exist here at Crossland. Who hangs out together? The athletes? The music students? (etc.)

How do students divide themselves into groups? By grade level? By common interest? By neighborhood? (etc.)

REMEMBER: Mr. Meehan is NEW to Crossland! Please provide PLENTY of detail wherever possible!

Today's Lesson Notes: Click here

Tonight's Homework: Write six sentences using the different categories of Bloom's Taxonomy

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