Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, August 31 (E10)

Today's Objective: Students will demonstrate mastery of taxonomy basics.

Today's SAT Word: Eloquent (adj.) - Speaking in a clear, articulate, and professional manner.

President Obama is such an eloquent public speaker that people flock to their television screens to hear whatever he has to say.

Today's Soundtrack: "Liztomania" by Phoenix

We have chosen this song today because its title, "Liztomania," can also serve as a pun on the phrase "List-o-mania." Mania is a noun meaning "something that people get really excited about," and taxonomies are all about breaking things down into lists.

Today's Warm-Up Question: Write a taxonomy of your own!

In our last class, we discussed four different taxonomies. We separated movies by genre, we divided musicians by band, and we identified the different social circles right here at Crossland. What other subjects can we create a taxonomy for? Pick a topic of your choice and break it down into two or more categories. Then provide at least two examples that might fit into each category you’ve created.

Vacation Destinations
Breakfast Foods
Types of TV Shows
Clothing Brands
Types of Music
Video Games
After-School Clubs and Groups

Today's Lesson Notes: Click here

Tonight's Homework: There is an old saying that "good fences make good neighbors." What do you think this saying means? Write a paragraph providing your explanation for this saying, and be sure to include whether or not YOU agree with this saying (and why or why not!)

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