Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 16 (E10 1B)

Today's Objective: Students will learn and write five types of short poems (cinquain, limerick, acrostic, clerihew, haiku)

Today's SAT Word: Synonym (n.): an alternate word with the same meaning as the first word.

The word "pigskin" is a synonym for the word "football."

Today's Soundtrack: "I Do" by Jude Christodal

By a majority vote, the class has chosen this song today from a selection of songs that feature rich imagery and figurative language. The class then analyzed this song for today's warm-up listening exercise.

Today's Warm-Up Question:

After listening to the song, write a BCR in which you address the following items:

1) Who is the speaker of this work?
2) To whom (or what) is this work addressed (a.k.a. "who is the speaker talking to?")
3) What, exactly, is going on in this particular work?
4) What is the tone of this work?

Today's Lesson Notes:
Click here.

Tonight's Homework:

Student poetry portfolios are due Monday, November 22 (B-Day Classes) and Tuesday, November 23 (A-Day Classes).

A digital copy of the poetry portfolio guidelines is available online.


  1. thank you Mr. Meehan. I very much appreciate your time and work spent on threensuis page. I for one am thankful for teachers like you who take the time to do all that they can to ensure that your students succeed. Thank you again.

    Michele R.
    (mother of Desiree -1st Mod-B-day

  2. Much appreciated, and thank YOU for all of your continued support!


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