Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thematic Analysis - Sept. 28 (2A)

Today's Objective:

Students will review first quarter texts in order to determine thematic similarities and prepare for first quarter novel study.

Today's In-Class Reading Assignment:


Today's Lesson Notes:

Tonight's Homework:

"I think banning books is a very, very dangerous thing. It takes away an important freedom. Any time there is an attempt to ban a book, you should fight it as hard as you can. It’s okay for a parent to say, ‘I don’t want my child to read this book.’ But it is not okay for anyone to try to make that decision for other people."

How do you feel about this statement? Do you agree or disagree with it? DEFEND YOUR OPINION. Post your comments in a five-sentence-BCR by the start of next class!

(BCRs must contain five complete sentences. No partial credit is awarded)


  1. I disagree to banning books.Banning books is a good thing for me.In your class we only use books during class then come home and see what we read online.Other teacher should do the same thing so we don't have to take the book home.So that they don't have to be bothered losing it.
    Jeremy D

  2. @Jeremy - appreciate your effort, but the phrase "banning a book" means making it forbidden for people to read, *not* making an electronic copy of the text.

  3. My opinion is bannning books is a very bad thing to do. Banning books takes away a opportunity for a new learning experience. Also, I feel if a teacher feels his/her students are mature enough to handle the book then he/she should be able to teach it. I feel students should be able to read a book without their parents approval if they choose to. Banning a book may take away something that students/readers should hear.

  4. the last one was Vaughn Henderson

  5. I Agree banning book are bad with Out books you wouldn't Learn about Your History and you wouldnt be able to see things how other people Might See them.i think books help people look at things in different ways, i think if a child wants to read a book then they should be able to read a book without their parents approval if they Want to.If they say no thats gonna make them want o read it even more.

  6. I agree with this statement. My opinion about this statement is, people should be able to read what they want to read. If its Extremely Rated R then yes they should be banned from kids but not for adults. People put there books out for people to read them not to be banned. And for people to banned the books and they didn't even write the book its wrong.
    (2a) Keiara Myers

  7. Well, i agree, but it also depends on the context. If it means marketing south park to six year olds, then theres a problem. When it comes to other people, its not our right nor our responsibility to say what people can and and cant see or hear. Unless the vote is 100% and everyone is unequivocal, then the book should not be banned. Art is art regardless of content, so long as creativity and innovation is the placeholder of the piece.Well, i agree, but it also depends on the context. If it means marketing south park to six year olds, then theres a problem. When it comes to other people, its not our right nor our responsibility to say what people can and and cant see or hear. Unless the vote is 100% and everyone is unequivocal, then the book should not be banned. Art is art regardless of content, so long as creativity and innovation is the placeholder of the piece.

  8. I agree 100% with the statement. I thibk babbing books is the most insane thing ever. Most of our modern knowledge came from reading books. Reading a book can't potentially harm a human being therefore it shouldnt be. If you disagree maybe you need to pick up a book and see how much you learn.

    Ronny Aguilar 2A

  9. I agree with this statement. I say this bcause children should have a say if they want books to be banned alsp. I say this because the kids and teenagers are the ones thats reading it not the parents or familys. Also some can realate to the youlth learning enviroment. In addition its the youlth learning enviroment. In conclusion this is my opinion on banning books.
    Marcia McLeod 2A

  10. To me banning books is a very bad thing to do. Because if books where baned the world would be a whole lot slower I say this because every thing you need to know in order to be sucssesful in life u can always find the answer's in a book. Also technology whould be slower to because some people go online just for books.

    Robert Philson 2A.

  11. I totally agree with the statement "banning books could be very,very dangerous..." Personally, I do not like reading books; but the thought of banning someone's work is absurd. For one, reading books can help you learn new things. It definitely broadens your vocabulary. Basically, why should you ban books when its already choice to read them or not? Reading books is free will. If you don't want to read a book, that is totally up to that person.
    Taj Estep 2A


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