Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thematic Analysis - Sept. 28 (4A)

Today's Objective:

Students will review first quarter texts in order to determine thematic similarities and prepare for first quarter novel study.

Today's In-Class Reading Assignment:


Today's Lesson Notes:

Tonight's Homework:

"I think banning books is a very, very dangerous thing. It takes away an important freedom. Any time there is an attempt to ban a book, you should fight it as hard as you can. It’s okay for a parent to say, ‘I don’t want my child to read this book.’ But it is not okay for anyone to try to make that decision for other people."

How do you feel about this statement? Do you agree or disagree with it? DEFEND YOUR OPINION. Post your comments in a five-sentence-BCR by the start of next class!

(BCRs must contain five complete sentences. No partial credit is awarded)


  1. Chaukinah Thomas
    I believe banning books is wrong. I belive bannig a book is wrong because many people like different things and there interest shouldn't be in jeopardy becasue of someones opinion. Also banning books would be wrong because it takes away valuable information. It also takes away reading in the classrooms. I agree with this statment because it would be wrong for someone to make decisions for you because you may think it's wrong when they say it is right.

  2. Sharod Mack

    I think banning books or a book is wrong because some books help people grow. a person can just want to ban a book because it might have offended him/her.maybe someone else likes that same book and they find it to be a really good book.some books provide information and valuable things in life for some of us and for others its a book of their interest.i also think banning a book would be like taking away a part of your brain because your brain is basicly the biggest book in this world.

  3. I think it is bad to band books because we need books to live to teach are kids and learn about new stuff. If we didnt have eny books we would have a rough time learning some things. This is the reasson why i think books are important to us.

  4. Tory Nickens

    I believe banning books is wrong. I think there's a difference between banning a book because its overrated and banning books or a book because you don't want to read it. I think that if you are banning books for no reason your being lazy and don't care about other kids education. Banning books is like taking away reading class in school.I think that if its a book that shouldn't be read that parents don't agree with throught the states they should get that book banned and replace it with another one that relates to what we are going to discuss.banning books is like banning movies that's why for movies they have ratings for the move like pg-13,and ratedR. Banning books is like banning video games they also have a rating on them too. Its easier to tell your child no and give a reason why instead of a whole school or class because some parents care and some don't.

  5. I don't think anyone should want to make a ban on ANY! Type of book. One reason is because the author expressed theirself in the book they publised and another Person could have a connection with the book and maybe benifit from it.There is also a law that gives people freedom of press.If there is any parent out there who really doesn't want their child to read a certain book then it is thieir responsibility to keep their child from reading a booK not going out of their way to ban it.

  6. I believe banning books is wrong.I think banning books wrong because you found out history on about your ancestors.If your anybody parents bans books they don't want there child to have a good education. Also if you ban book you will not learn how to read. If you agree about banning books is about you being lazy and trifling.

  7. Cassandra-West

    If you ask me i think that banning book is a wrong thing to do. I say this because with out a book how would teacher's teach student's new thing's in life and new worlds,how are they suppose to studies and learn about different things why put a ban it now and not back in the day's. Don't ruin the children education who is learning something new in life. And if you think that banning book's is a good idea maybe you didn't get enough education with a book in your day's.

  8. I think banning books is an not so bright idea. Books brings knowledge to everyone. The ban for books may be because of the new technology , but what if you don't have technology. I agree with what the writer said as in if you don't wanna read a certain book then don't. Before everything we had books , books are an mayjor part of the American history. If people ban books I think American will not go any further in education.


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