Monday, October 3, 2011

Thematic Analysis - Oct. 3 (3B)

Today's Objective:

Students will review first quarter texts in order to determine thematic similarities and prepare for first quarter novel study.

Today's In-Class Reading Assignment:


Today's Lesson Notes:

Tonight's Homework:

"I think banning books is a very, very dangerous thing. It takes away an important freedom. Any time there is an attempt to ban a book, you should fight it as hard as you can. It’s okay for a parent to say, ‘I don’t want my child to read this book.’ But it is not okay for anyone to try to make that decision for other people."

How do you feel about this statement? Do you agree or disagree with it? DEFEND YOUR OPINION. Post your comments in a five-sentence-BCR by the start of next class!

(BCRs must contain five complete sentences. No partial credit is awarded)


  1. Ernisha Beverley 3B
    I really don’t care if they ban books or not because it really depends on what kind of book it is. For example if the book is for personal entertainment than banning books can be a big issue. If the book for learning purposes i wouldn’t care if they ban books or not because i rather not learn from a book. Either way, I disagree with this because mostly every person on earth reads and enjoys reading and it doesn’t make sense to ban books. If you really think about if you ban books then you can have even bigger problems on your hands because people who read will become really upset and angry.

  2. I feel like this statement is very true. Banning books is a bad decision in my opinion because i like to read. Therefore i agree, because it gives authors to express themselves through their writings and people a chance to relate. I also think that banning books would be a bad decision because it helps people like myself exercise our reading and comprehansion skills. For example when my mother tells me to not watch so much TV,I go and read a book. If books were banned then I would have no choice but to watch TV. I think that technology would be a big thing if books were banned,like in the previous short stories I've read in. My English class.
    Kendra Lawson 3B

  3. Dexter Heath

    I feel that this statement is true. No one except the parents of students should be able to decide whether or a child can read a certain book.I agree with the author of that quote. If books were banned how would students expand their vocabulary and learn more information about the subjects taught in school. The internet can teach us everything. Books are useful

  4. I somewhat agree and disagree with this statement.Books should not be banned because of what is inside of them. if books are banned then how will people get informed. Also a parent should have some part over what their child reads but it also depends on the child's maturity and the content of the book. I feel is though if the child is able to understand the book and they are being taught things without it being in any explicit nature than it should be expected.
    Tarsha Palmer

  5. I somewhat agree and disagree with this statement.Books should not be banned because of what is inside of them. if books are banned then how will people get informed. Also a parent should have some part over what their child reads but it also depends on the child's maturity and the content of the book. I feel is though if the child is able to understand the book and they are being taught things without it being in any explicit nature than it should be expected.
    Tarsha Palmer

  6. I agree with this statement. I agree because I believe it should be the parents choice if their child can read a certain book or not. If your going to ban a book why even let it be published. I feel all books are knowledge regardless of what they are talking about but some may be just for entertainment . I believe books should not be banned.

    Aaliyah Baker

  7. I agree with the statement above. I believe books should never be banned. Books are proof of humanity's existence. Books tell stories and past knowledge down to younger generations. Some books can have mature subjects that some may not find suitable for their children; that's fine, but you can't ban something from the public's view because it makes a few people uncomfortable, that's not fair to others. If you don't like something about a particular book then, don't read it. Don't stop others from reading the material, they might enjoy it. I also think books should be kept around as a way to store information. Relying on technology to store all forms of information isn't wise because technology does have it's moments where it fails, and when that happens, if all the books are gone then, there wont be anyway of obtaining information for school reports, scientific research, different business needs, etc. I think the most important reason books should be kept around is because they are a reliable source of information, and banning them is just not an intelligent thing to do.

    Malik Powell 3B

  8. I agree with the statement. I think people should have a choice in what they are going to read. Not every person in the world likes to read but some books might interest people. Why not let people see if the book is interesting before they decide to ban a book. Parents are also able to say if they mind or not if a child is reading a book with mature nature in it. I also think the person should be givin a chance to be mature about the subject matter so they can understand more without people taing other people's choice in what books can and can not be read.

    Deondre Johnson 3B

  9. Breanna Service
    I halfway agree with this statement. I do think that banning books can be a very bad thing because we learn alot of things from books. Some people like to read books for pleasure during their leisure time and if they can't do that, they might go out and do things that could get them in trouble. I think that banning certain books for certain people, like a parent telling their child they can't read a certain book maybe because it may be to vulgar for them to read. I don't think that you should ban books .

  10. I disagree and agree with this statement. I don't think books should be banned. All books help people learn about at least one thing in my opinion. I don't think a parent should have the right to say what their child can and cannot read. I think it should be the child's decision whether or not they can read a book. I also think it isn't okay for another person to decide whether i want to read a book or not.

    Taylor Peterson 3B

  11. I agree with this statement because the person that said it was thinking in the best interest of everyone. If books are banned, most people would'nt bother finding other sources of information, and our society would be disfunctional. If one person decides that they don't want to read a certain genre of literature, then that decision is up to them. If the decision is made for everybody, that would be very unfair. Our society would be uneducated, along with future generations.

    -Yhanni Wade 3B

  12. I agree because the author said "It’s okay for a parent to say, ‘I don’t want my child to read this book.'" Society or one person shouldn't be able to tell you what you can and can not read. Like video games have E-M ratings telling who the audience should be. Something that people can do is instead is just have a readers discretion like on TV they sometimes say viewer discretion advised. Banning books overall is bad because to readers it may feel like you are limited to some books or a certain genre of books.

    -Christian Twyman 3B

  13. i definitely disagree with the statement above, because banning books for me is illegal. I say this because what would other people do or say if the books are being banned. Some people when they are still young,they all already grew up with reading books. And that what is the purpose of making books if these books will be banned. For me it maybe depends on the parents if they wanted to have their child to stop reading, and it also depends on what kind of books does the children read. Actually not all books only contains fairytales and other stuff. But also there are books that are educational. therefore i disagree with the statement

    Chrizelle Cate Dimamay

  14. NO I dont agree with banning a book. Everyone has a right to read every book avalible to the public. NO one should decided another person's decision unless that person is unaware of his or her actions, not even your parents. Have you ever wanted something but your parents ever said no, thats the same thing as banning a book. By banning books your taking a persons basic principles.

    Austin McKelphin 3B

  15. I actually believe that banning PAPER books won't be an issue nowadays. We have advanced technology now that allows us to take a digital copy of a book anywhere and enjoy it with ease. But, if you mean banning books as a whole, as much as i'd hate to say this (lol), it would be devastating to everyone in the world. Since the 7th millennium B.C. books have been used to write and record messages, stories, history, and they have been utilized to teach. Books can even
    define a society. When the Greeks were conquered, their books were destroyed and their society was mostly lost. Books nowadays are still used to do what they have thousands of years ago and if they are banned... many people will find it extremely difficult to learn. How can teachers give material or how can a homeschooling parent with no teaching experience
    teach their child without the assistance of a book. Basically, we need books, they have impacted hundreds of societies for thousands of years and it is way to late to try and get rid of them.

    Jamil Ahmed
    Period 3B

  16. I didn't read the question add on to what i said....

    I believe that a book can be banned, for certain people at least. Legally a 13 year old is not supposed to see a Rated R without a parent. This is to protect a 13 year old from seeing something they are not supposed to see. I believe the same should be applied to books But not all material should be banned. So i agree and disagree with the quote.

    cont. Jamil Ahmed 3B

  17. It Really doesn't matter because no one really reads now.I agree with banning books because if someone really doesn't want to read no matter how much books you give them, they won't read it.I do think books were a good thing for the past when there was no technology but we really don't need books now because you can find out everything on the internet.Things Like ebook or ibook shuld be available for people interested in reading or litening to a book.Banning Books Can Be a bad thing but it can also be a very good thing.

    Kayla Williams

  18. I personally agree with the statement above, banning books should not be permitted. Just like art and music, writing is a form of self expression and should not be limited. And even if books were banned, here is still a lot of inappropriate content on television and perhaps even in music. Books are not as graphic as movies or songs because they just describe what is going on in the story. If books are going to be banned do to inappropriate content then adult movies, suggestive music, and adult magazines should be banned too. We all know that the banning of the examples I just listed is not going to happen any time soon, therefore books should not be banned.

    -Brenda Almenar


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