Monday, October 3, 2011

Thematic Analysis - Oct. 3 (4B)

Today's Objective:

Students will review first quarter texts in order to determine thematic similarities and prepare for first quarter novel study.

Today's In-Class Reading Assignment:


Today's Lesson Notes:

Tonight's Homework:

"I think banning books is a very, very dangerous thing. It takes away an important freedom. Any time there is an attempt to ban a book, you should fight it as hard as you can. It’s okay for a parent to say, ‘I don’t want my child to read this book.’ But it is not okay for anyone to try to make that decision for other people."

How do you feel about this statement? Do you agree or disagree with it? DEFEND YOUR OPINION. Post your comments in a five-sentence-BCR by the start of next class!

(BCRs must contain five complete sentences. No partial credit is awarded)


  1. Malik Jackson

    I agree with this statement. Because you should have the right to read what you want, not what people want you to read. People cant ban a book because they dont like it. Other people might find the book interesting. So I agree that reading a book you want to read is a sign of freedom

  2. Marcus Ford

    I think that this statement is very true. I agree with this statement because sometimes without books all we have is the internet and that can give us false information. I also agree with this statement because how would little kids learn to pronounce their words, or learn about things. Without books the library wouldn't be open and that can sometimes be the only resource that people have. Books are very important to life so i don't think they should be banned.

  3. I Agree With This Statement! I Agree Because If You Ban Books Then The Reading Levels Will Decrease. Also It Will Be Difficult For The Next Generations To Comprehend Things In General,If They Don't Have Books They Can Practice Reading.It Will Also Make It Difficult For People To Write Or Type. They Shouldn't Ban No Books, They Should Just Publish Books And Let Parents Decide If They Want Their Child/Children Reading That Particular Book.

    Maiyah Mercer

  4. Quiana Miller:

    I agree with this opinion. It is okay for a parent to not give THEIR child permission to read a specific book. But others should not make that decision for everyone else based upon their biased opinions. Attempting to ban books might be unconstitional because it is in violation of Amendment 1. Even if someone or some people tried banning books, they would lose because that's taking away Freedom of Press and Speech.

  5. I agree with this statement. If parents don't want they child reading a book they have the right to tell they child what not to read. I don't think anybody should just ban books because some kids like to read. If somebody tried banning books most likely the will not have the right because alot off people like to read books so they would protest against them. Overall they shouldn't do that because that's taking away freedom.
    -Rickkia smith

  6. Jeralexia Mitchell

    I agree with this statement because banning books are stupid. People should always have a right to read, write, or even say whatever they want to. Banning books just because You don't like them isn't fair for others. Banning books is like saying we don't have any freedom. The parent should be the only adult to tell a child what they can read and what they cant because that's their child.

  7. Jaime Blair

    Yes , I agree with this statement that banning of books is dangerous. It's dangerous because it makes kids lose their learning ability. Not only that but them having to depend on the internet for information. That information that they would get from the internet can be false and or misleading.So from that being said only parents or guardians should be able to ban books from their OWN children.


    T really agree with this statement because a book is most people spend time hobby and can reduce reading levels and education because parents should not ban their children from reading maybe they like the book but the parents not not reading will push you to only the informatic which is not too good because most jobs need you to know how read so fighting to not ban a book is a great thing

  9. Princess Knott
    I personally agree with this statement. Being as though every human does not have the same interest and the same way of learning people should have a choose of what they choose to read. Now in some cases parents don't want their children reading certain things but lets be real regardless of how many times an adults says "NO" if a cild is really interested he/she will do it anyways. For example not everyone learns math the same way some books are different of explaining the problems but if the book was to be banned a person well be lost because her or his way of eduction was banned. Finally, I don't believe banning books is right because we people all are different and have different interest.

  10. yes i agree with this opinion.Because without books we would not learn just by memory.But unless parents would not want their child reading that certain book.But it should not be ban for everybody.Because for only one person not being able to read the book.It does not make it right for it to ban for everyone.
    Cindy Vasquez


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