Thursday, September 22, 2011

"A Sound of Thunder" - Sept. 22 (1A)

Today's Objective:

Students will read and analyze Ray Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder" in order to explore how word choice can reveal author's purpose.

Today's In-Class Reading Assignment:

"A Sound of Thunder," by Ray Bradbury
Click here to read this text online

Today's Lesson Notes:

Tonight's Homework:
Today, we discussed how word choice can provide powerful hints into revealing a work's theme(s) and an author's purpose.

What is your opinion of Eckles? Why do you feel this way about him? Do you know anyone like this character in your real life? Post your comments in a BCR at the foot of this blog entry by the start of next class.

(BCRs must contain five complete sentences. No partial credit is awarded)


  1. Eckles is kind of annoying but he can be cool at sometimes in the story. I feel this way because in the story he kept asking dum questions. Yes! I know a couple of people that act the same way as him. But Eckles can be better if he stop asking so many questions.

    Michael Kirk (1A)

  2. Gabrielle McCord

    Eckles Can Be A Little Cool Sometimes. Sometimes Eckles Can Be Irritating. Eckles Say Some Dumb Things To. Eckles Can Ask Some Dumb Questions At Times To. But The Story Was An OK Story Because I Dont Really Like Storys Like Storys Like That.

  3. I think Eckles was kind of being annoying most of the story, he was so press to kill a dinosaur the whole time until, until he actually saw the dinosaur. I feel this way because he kept asking silly questions that he most likely already knew the answer to. I really don't like people like that. My little brother is the only person in my family who, not only ask stupid questions, but also askes the same stupid question over and over again.

  4. Justin Spriggs (1A)

    To me Eckles is annoying and said ridicoulous things at time. He was very eager to begin the hunt, and loses his nerve at the sight of the t-rex. Also he was being difficult when asked to remove the bullet from the t-rex, until Travis threatens to leave him in the past. I feel eckles could have been more cooperative and should have listned to the two hunters to avoid changing the future. Most definetly I know alot of people like this.

  5. Dora zuniga 1A
    To me Eckles is kind of funny but he can cool person sometimes in the story. He should listen two the other hunters to avoid changing the future. Even though i wouldn't cause i love too change my futuree ;D

  6. rikyl lawrence , 1a

    eckles is a character in the story a sound of thunder . he is a character that wants to go back in the past to see and kill dinosaurs. he is a very adventurous character . i like him in the story. though he couldve listened . his not listening to what he was told caused the future to be changed . eckles reminds me of some people in my family they just dont listen .

  7. I think Ekcles is a very adventurous and he takes risk in things like when he went back in time he was taking a very big risk. I do know someone who is like this she is my best friend she is adventurous person and she takes a lot of risk. It is a lot of things that Ekcles did in this story that i would not have done. I would not have went back in time to see the dinosars because anything can happen. I would have lost my life i would have been scared out of my mind that's a big risk is to risk your life like they did. Eckles is a person how takes big risk and likes to do adventurous things.

    Natarya Cook 1A

  8. Eckles is a very cool person but sometimes irratating. Eckles juss go back in the past juss to see and killed the dinosour. Eckles could have been helpful and listened to the other hunters to avoid of changing the future. I dont have anyone in my famiy that act like Eckles, and if I did I wouldnt like them. Tell you the truth I really didnt like this story at all.

    -Aishanna Staton

  9. Eckles is one of the characters in the story called "A Sound of Thunder". Eckles is one of the characters that want to go back in the past to see dinosaors.For me Eckles is ridiculous because he is too excited to hunt for dinosars. Until the dinosaor is actually infront of him. I feel this way about him because mostly in the story he kept asking all these silly questions and wont stop talking . He should cooperate with his friends so they would know what to do better. Yes, i know some peron like Eckles, he is just like my other friends sometimes.

    Shikeina Marcelino 1-A

  10. Sarah Fletcher. 1A Eckles is so annoying I don't see how Travis and the other put up with him . He complains about every little thing , he wines and he just watch what the other do because his to afraid . Eckles is very hard headed and if he would have listened they wouldn't be stuck in the future , He was so excited to kill the dinosuars until he actually saw it up close . He was also very difficult when it came to directions you had to threathen him just for him to do it . I Know a couple of people like Eckles I would have left him from the start since he such a hard headed complainer.

  11. Eckles seems to be an irritating character in the story. Eckles some times complains about every little thing they set out to acomplish through the story. I honestly think or can say that eckles complains and cries about every thing they do because he is scared because so far he hasnt done anything but complain while every one else does something. Eckles doesnt listen in fact its Eckles fault they are stuck in the future anyway Eckles doesnt follow directions at all. so in my opinion he shouldnt even be with the group.

    Xavier Wicker Period 1A

  12. Kahlil McMoore 1A
    I Think Eckles Is Adventurous And Risky Because He Wants To Go To The Past And Shoot Dinosaurs.I Like Eckles In The Story Because He Is Adventurous I Think Eckles Is Annoying Because He Ask Dumb Questions And Don't Listen He Complained About Every Little Thing It's Some People I Know That Ask Dumb Questions And Don't Listen

  13. I Think Eckles Is A Irritating Person. I Say That Because He Didnt Listen. Also Because He Asked Questions That He Already Knew The Answers Too. Another Thing About Him Is He Was Real Eager To See The Dinosaur,But When He Saw It Close Up.. He Wanted To Back Down And Started Panicking. If He Wouldve Listened To All The Rules The First Time They Were Told.. The Future Wouldve Never Been Changed. Yes I Do Know People Like Eckles.

    Zhane' Davis 1A

  14. Throughout this story Eckles seemed very bothersome.Many question came from him and they were not smart quetsions either.Eckles complained about so much which became very irritating.Exploring the future can conclude alot of questions im sure.Eckles seemed to be a good person just very annoying also.

    Tayja McCombs 1a

  15. Jocelyn Rivas 1A

    To me eckles seems a little annoying he make a big deal about everything. He also complains alot. To me he sounds like if he really just didnt want to put in work to accoplish what they was trying to do. He didnt seem intrested to put a little effort. he was asking alot of questins that he should alot know the answer to. In real life yess i do know alot of people who reminds me of Eckles, in the way of that they complain alot and they may not be but they act so annoying.


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