Friday, September 23, 2011

"A Sound of Thunder" - Sept. 23 (3B)

Today's Objective:

Students will read and analyze Ray Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder" in order to explore how word choice can reveal author's purpose.

Today's In-Class Reading Assignment:

"A Sound of Thunder," by Ray Bradbury
Click here to read this text online

Today's Lesson Notes:

Tonight's Homework:
Today, we discussed how word choice can provide powerful hints into revealing a work's theme(s) and an author's purpose.

What is your opinion of Eckles? Why do you feel this way about him? Do you know anyone like this character in your real life? Post your comments in a BCR at the foot of this blog entry in a five-sentence BCR by the start of next class.

(BCRs must contain five complete sentences. No partial credit is awarded)


  1. Dexter Heath

    My opinion of Mr.Eckles is that he's stubborn and he is not good with following instructions. I think Eckles did entirely to much leaving by the group. If it was acceptable to leave there would have been no reason to have a path. He did not listen to Travis when he told him to stay on the path, this is why I think he has a hard time following directions. I know a lot of people who are stubborn. I also know people who have a hard time following instructions.

  2. ^^^^ I think Eckles did entirely to much by leaving the group.^^^^ Dexter Heath

  3. My opinion of Eckles is that he is very inconsiderate and completelty disturbed the entire plan for the trip that the group had. He stupidly interfered with the rule that Travis thoroughly explained which was that he must stay on the path and not shoot any animals unless they tell him to,no matter what.Given the fact of how much Travis stressed this to Eckles and how one simple move or action could affect the future I think that Eckles should have taken this more seriously and took the initiative to follow every rule and be very careful.But he let his fear get to him and ran back to the time machine and stepped off of the path.When they got back to the future reality hit him when some simple things and events had changed like who the president was because of him.He realized that his most minor action totally changed how the future was so I think that he deserves this and it will have to be a lesson that he learns from the hard way.I do know some people in my life that are like Eckles and have a hard time following simple rules.

    Kelli Johnson 3B

  4. My opinion of Mr.Eckles is that he shouldn't have went hunting in the past in the first place as well as assuming that he could handle hunting in prehistoric times. Comparing how i felt towards him when i first started reading and how i feel now after reading the text i tended to get a bit irritated with his character because he kept asking a lot of questions and did not follow directions. He was carrying himself as if he didn't care on his way to the hunting grounds but once they reached their destination everything went down hill and he ruined the trip as well as the future with his panicking and being absent minded. Also i do know someone who favors the characteristics of Mr.Eckles in real life, they don't listen, they tend to assume they can handle any situation due to past experiences, as well as panicking when things don't turn out as planned. Looking back at the story and comparing the character to the person i know in real life they both tend to have one characteristic that stands out the most, DISOBIDIENCE.

    Brittney Cunningham

  5. I have neither a good nor a bad opinion towards Mr.Eckles. I think his actions during the story were completely reasonable(as wimpy as they may have been). Eckles is a wealthy man, who may be a tad bit of an Adrenaline junkie. He embarks on a trip in order to kill a the infamous Tyrannosaurus-Rex. At first, Eckles was more than excited to began his hunt. But when his prey of choice made it's appearance, Eckles knew then that he in was way over his head. Eckles turned and ran. He ran as if his life depended on it, and it kinda did. I understand Eckles' fear, that is completely natural. Eckles had never thought that his prey would tower over him as it did. So he did what most of us would do when fear grips our hearts; he ran. During Eckles' escape however, he wondered off the path and stepped on a butterfly, Effectively crushing the future as he knew it. This story makes great use of the saying "if you kill a butterfly in the past you may drastically alter the future" because, this is what Eckles did. I hate to say it but, Eckles' one mistake changed the course of history, and I do not like that. Because Eckles did not think of what could have happened as he went on his hunting trip, he changed the world. not for better, but for worst (in my opinion). I guess you could blame Eckles and be upset with him (I kinda am too) but, it was unintentional, so he can be forgiven.

    Malik Powell

  6. I really liked the story btw...^_^
    the trailer was kinda cool too.
    Malik Powell :D

  7. My opinion on Mr. Eckles was that he was stubborn and he didn't listen. The official behind the desk clearly told him if he couldn't take what was coming then don't go back in time. I fell as though Eckles wanted to prove to himself that he was brave, when he really was a coward. I say he was stubborn because he only thought of himself and not what could happen to the entire universe. Travis clearly told him to not step off the red line and that's exactly what Eckles did.

    Taylor Peterson 3B

  8. I think that Eckles was insabordinate because he didn't listen to any of the instructions that were given. Over and over Eckles repetedly asked questions with answers already spoken. The one main instruction that he needed to flow and he didn't, do not step off the path!!! A person in my life like Eckles is my little brother. If he is told to do something he will do his own thing then he will ask you what was he told to do and still not do it.

    -Christian Twyman 3B

  9. My opinion of Mr.Eckles is that he does not know how to follow directions and he ask alot of questions. I feel this way about him because The entire time the director of the trip told the group the same directions over & over again, to be quiet,stay on the path,& not to shoot until they said to. Also he asked alot of questions and wasn't really listening. My little sister reminds me of Mr.Eckles a lot. She never listens to what my mother has to say so she always ends up in trouble because she talks so much and never listens and wants to do things her way.
    Tarsha Palmer

  10. My opinion of Mr.Eckles is that he does not know how to follow directions and he ask alot of questions. I feel this way about him because The entire time the director of the trip told the group the same directions over & over again, to be quiet,stay on the path,& not to shoot until they said to. Also he asked alot of questions and wasn't really listening. My little sister reminds me of Mr.Eckles a lot. She never listens to what my mother has to say so she always ends up in trouble because she talks so much and never listens and wants to do things her way.
    Tarsha Palmer

  11. Ernisha Beverley 3B
    My first impression of Eckles is that he is very curious and also stubborn. I say he is curious because he ask a lot of questions about things that he shouldn’t be worried about. I also say that he is stubborn because he was told 2 things 1.) DO NOT STEP OFF THE PATH, 2.) DO NOT LEAVE THE GROUP, and he didn’t follow any one of those directions. One person that i know that is like Eckles is me. I am really curious about a lot of things that i shouldn’t be worried about. I am also stubborn because i sometimes don’t follow directions like i should.

  12. My opinion of Mr.Eckles is that he is a stubborn, careless, and individual who always has to question something. I say this because in the time machine on the way to the safari he asked countless questions that just re-explained itself with each answer it got. Mr.Eckles also was told not to step off the path because of the grave consequences it will have but he did it anyway and it had terrible consequences. I have a friend similar to Mr.Eckles because he acts as if everything has to have a question or be his way. He never listens to anyone but punks outs whenever something bad happens. Mr.Eckles is a reckless wuss who seems to never think about the consequences of his actions.
    -Damon Harris 3B

  13. Eckels is a cocky rich guy that thinks he can take on the world and do what ever he wants. Just like in the story how he boast around talking about how much he has hunted and killed, but when it came down to it he ran like a scared child. I think when Travis shot him at the end for running off the path and ruinning the time line was the right course of action. As a short a life i've lived I have met a few people like Eckels. The type that thinks they know everything but in the end they cant back it up.

    Austin McKelphin 3b

  14. Joshua siimons

    My opinion of Eckles is that he is obstinate and refractory. He feels that just because he is rich and has hunted and killed many animals that he does not have to follow the rules or take any orders. I feel that he got what was coming to him at the end of the story because he should have listened to and follow the directions that was given. I think there is only a little bit of people that i know that is like Eckels. The people that I do know like that only act like that when they are playing sports so they don't act like this regularly.

  15. Makeda Harkins

    I think Eckles was too insecure to even particiapate in this endeavour. When he got scared his thoughts clouded, and he made the wrong decisions. He followed his emotions, and ignored all previous warnings, which changed their lives drastically. This does happen in real life, but on a much smaller scale. When some people get stressed they become stubborn, and don't make very logical decisions. I know it's happened to me. Before when I would get too scared nothing else really mattered, and didn't think through my actions first, but now I have more sense.

  16. Ayana K. Holt

    In my opinion, I believe Eckles was not mature or mentally stable enough to take this adventure. I say this, because when they first arrived in the past all he did was ask endless questions about the rules, only to disobey them later on in the story. Eckles was not ready to take an adventure such as this, and ended up ruining the future as a result. I know people that are somewhat like Eckles. People that think they are ready to do things, knowing that they are not mature enough for the action, and as a result things become challenging, and unexpected. This is what i think about Eckles character in the short story "A Sound Of Thunder".

  17. My opinion, I believe that Eckles is crazy and dosen't listen to what anybody tells him. I say that because he asked so many questions and didn't listen to none of the answers that were given to him. Despite his earlier eagerness to begin the hunt,Eckles loses his nerve at the sight of the T.Rex,Travis tells him he cannot leave, but Eckeles panics and veers off the path. Travis threatens to leave Eckles in the past unless he would remove the bullet from the dinosaur body. Yes I do know someone like this character it is my nephew anytime I tell him to do something he never listens he just does whatever he wants to do.

    Sharron Spence

  18. Like a classmate said i believe Mr. Eckles is insecure about himself. He wants to act tough around people when he really isn't. In the story he acts all tough in eager in the beginning but when it came down to it he was a coward and it lead to the failure of their trip and his possible demise. It ticks me off because if he acted like he said he would, he would have successfully killed the Tyrannosaurus and claimed his glory. But no, he let his cowardice cause him to stray off the path and corrupt the future. I also believe that the other man killed Eckles in retaliation. To point out someone i know who is like this, I would have to say some of the people at C.H.S. They go around and act like they will do something....but they never do it. All in all, Mr. Eckles is a person who likes to front himself, but in the end, he will be the one who cowers and scurries away.

    Jamil Ahmed :I

  19. >:O -super kicks Malik- >.> you douche..always gotta show off


  20. From reading the story i began to get a little irritated with Mr. Eckles. As i began to read i noticed that Mr. Eckles was a little bit subborn. He wouldnt listen to anyone and always asked various questions. For exmple when they told him not to step off the path and he did anyway. Also you were able to see how stubborn he was when they told him not to shoot when they say no and he would question it. Later on i think he realized how one little thing can change the entire future. I believe i do have people around me that have some character traits as Mr. Eckles. By reading i saw the similarities that he has with people i know that never listen and act like thet can not get help.

  21. I think Eckels was rude and imconsiderate. He was also hard-headed and didn't follow the instructions. He was impulsive because he saw something he wanted to do wothout thinking about the consequences that followed. He also tried to be someone he wasn't to impress people. I don't like Eckels and I think he should be himself and stop trying to be someone he's not.
    De'Shaun Walker

  22. Alexis McCoy 3B
    My opinion of Eckles...well, he is dumb. I would say stupid, but thats a bit too far from what I am trying to say. Eckles was given 2 very specific and life-threatening instructions:
    1.) Stay on the path!
    2.) Don't leave the group!
    Does he realize they are going back in time and one small thing out of place can change the future? He did, so why be so dumb to ignore both of those rules you were given and do your own thing. On the other hand, I think he is quite adventurous to be hunting DINOSAUR!!! That would be pretty scary and kind of out there! But, if he hadn't gone on the trip in the first place, everything would be the same.

  23. Kendra Lawson 3B
    my opinion on Eckles is the is that he is strong-willed, adventurous and spontaneous. I believe he is the following because it was his overall decision to actually go back in time with Travis and the group. Eckles wanted to explore the new environment and be able to actually feel the thrill of the adventure. I personally believe that Travis was demanding, overly safe and cautious, i understand that safety is important but sometimes you can bend the rules and still be safe. Travis could have also relaxed a little more. Eckles is kind of like me when i'm in an new environment I feel the need to explore and be spontaneous. If i was Eckles Travis and I wouldn't get along so well because rules and safety aren't at the top of my list. Travis kind of reminds me of my sister very cautious, rules and safety always come first. But I am aware that when you don't follow the rules there are consequences, that's where Eckles and I have our differences because I can still be spontaneous, adventurous and strong-willed by following the rules that i believe are important,Like in the story when Eckles changed the present by killing one butterfly,I would have been able to follow the rules without changing the present and still enjoying myself.

  24. Layanni Cobbs 3B says: (Go Redskins!)

    Eckles is very stubborn and curious because the man told him in the beginning to not shoot any animals unless they ok, and eckles questioned them. Only someone who is stubborn who question authority/ people who know what they are doing. Also eckles is careless because when the man told him that if they kill one mouse it could mess up the future and eckles responed " So there dead? ... "so what". That statement makes me think Eckles dosent care about his actions or the consequences. Also eckles is eager, which is understandable because he is thrilled by the whole safari and going back in time. The reason I believe Eckles is eager is because when Travis told Eckles he had Lesperance to come and paint all the animals red to make sure they didnt kill the wrong one, Eckles made the connection that if he wen tin time to paint the animals that he must have seen himself and he was eager to know how the safari would turn out. Also eckles go nervous and shot the tyrannusaurus when he wasnt susposed to and that mistake altered the future.

  25. -Bryce Davis-
    In my opinion, Eckles is an example of someone who bites off more than he can chew. He probably thought that the hunt would be very easy, and safe. He never took into account of how large a T-Rex actually is. I think that Eckles is very irresponsible. I say that because, before you enter the time machine, and during the whole hunt, the hunters stress the idea, "DON'T STEP OFF THE PATH", but Eckles being the skiddish person that he is, stepped off the path. He is also a clumsy individual. I don't understand how you don't notice a bright green, flying insect. I hope Eckles was the person who got shot. I do sknow some people like Eckles who are people who are skiddish and bite off more than they can chew. I smack those people daily. (:

  26. O Yeaaaaa......SKINS BOUTA CRUSHHHHH!!!!!De'Shaun Walker

  27. I think Eckles is kind of a fake person. He wanted to act like he could do whatever he want by walking off of the path which he is NOT suppose to do. Once he saw the T-Rex he started to act soft because he was scarred of it. What i dont understand is WHY would a person go hunting for dinosaurs if you know you afraid of it. The other reason i am not very fond of him is because he didnt follow the rules and i HATE when people give you rules and it effects if you survive or not then people choose not to follow them anyways. I also know people who act like that. This is the expression i put on my face when people do stuff like that .___.

    Deondre Johnson 3B

  28. De'Shaun you aint NEVA lie. SKINSSSS ALL DAY

    From ( hahahaha ) 3B

  29. In my opinion, Eckle is a rich guy who is kinda stubborn as i could say. Because he wanted to do everything he wants,like he wouldn't listen to other people and other people's opinion. He would just do whatever he thinks he want to do. In the first place the man told him not to shoot any of the animals,but he did not listen which is he really is stubborn. Just like when they told Eckle do not step off the grass which he did. And do not leave the group. I feel this way about him because. he is not the kind of person that when you tell things, he would definitely follow. just like the saying we call. ''ONE WORD IS ENOUGH FOR A WISE PERSON!'' as far as i can remember i do not know a person just like Mr.Eckle

    Chrizelle Cate Dimamay

  30. Breanna Service

    My opinion of Mr.Eckles is that he is brave, very daring, and also very stupid at the same time. I think that he is brave because he does what other wouldn't dare to do like try and kill a T-Rex. Daring because even after the people who worked their warned him not to try and kill a T.Rex but he didn't listen and he tried anyway. I think that he is also very hard headed because after the instructors gave him to main rules: 1) STAY on the path. 2) NEVER leave the group. He broke both of those rules which led to the consequences of his actions. He killed a butterfly by stepping off the path, and that changed alot of things back in his own time .

  31. My opinion of Mr.Eckles is that the phrase "All bark and no bite" refers to him. I feel this way becasuse when he was saying all those smart things to the man at the desk he was all cocky but then when he became face to face with a dinosaur he was silent. I know someone exactly just like Mr.Eckles. Mr.Eckles does not follow directions. First he left the group when he was told not to. Second he walked off the path. When he disobeyed those rules he killed a butterfly and suffered the consequences of his present time changing.

    Aaliyah Baker 3B

  32. My opinion of Eckles is that he is really not good at following instructions AT ALL! I feel this way because the director told him repetitively to stay on the path, don't shot unless I tell you to, and to be quiet. My little cousin Joshua reminds me of Eckles because he doesn't listen to his mom AT ALL. All Eckles had to do was listen! Now since he didn't, the future is change becuase of one little thing he did in the past. By:Candace Wyman 3B

  33. I think Eckles is a curious person that doesn't want to listen to anyone. Eckles asked a lot of questions but still at the end did whatever he wanted knowing the outcome of his decision. Well when you think about it, I guess he is stubborn. Often people who are stubborn find theselves in trouble. In the story, Eckles did find himself in trouble because he didn't follow the directions the man told him and took a different path which changed the future. The man told him to stay on the path to prevent any changes in the future, but Eckles didn't. My father was just like Eckles, he never wanted to listen to anyone but himself.

    Zakwoiyah Marshall

  34. My opinion on Eckles is that he is very demanding and always wants things his way. I say this because he wanted to haunt down a dinosaur and was not going to give up until he did. He was so excited about killing his dinosaur that it seems as if he payed little attention to what the guide was telling him. He got out of the path and believed that he could just get away from his death by paying more money. It seems as if Eckles is used to solving all of his problems with money. This time, however he had to pay what he had done with his life. My little sister is like Eckles because she always gets what she wants by just crying over it. When she doesn't get what she wants she gets upset and cries even more. I think people should only get what they need instead of all their crazy desires

  35. ^^^^^^ that was Brenda Almenar

  36. Tiara G.

    I think that Eckles was too excited about shooting his dinosaur that he got carried away and he didn't want to listen to the instructors . I also believe that Eckles is curious because he keeps asking questions. He is also stubborn and impatient because he didn't want to listen but still wanted to ask questions then got impatient because he didn't get immediate answers. I think that Eckles reminds me of myself because sometimes I am very curious and I like to ask questions. I am also impatient when I don't recieve information immediately.


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